Les cancers uro-génitaux

BCG: immunothérapie à base de bacilles tuberculeux atténués; PD-1: Programmed Death 1.
1. Belgian Cancer Registry 2020.
2. Globocan 2020.
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5. Fondation contre le cancer – Cancer de la vessie – généralités. https://www.cancer.be/le-cancer/types-de-cancers/cancer-de-la-vessie, accessed on 02/2023.
6. Fondation contre le cancer – Cancer de la vessie – Symptômes. https://www.cancer.be/les-cancers/types-de-cancers/cancer-de-la-vessie/sympt-mes, accessed on 02/2023.
7. Cancer.net – Kidney Cancer: Introduction. https://www.cancer.net/cancer-types/kidney-cancer/introduction, accessed on 02/2023.
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15. National Cancer Institute: Stages of Bladder Cancer, https://www.cancer.gov/types/bladder/stages, accessed on 01/2023.
16. Fondation contre le cancer – Cancer de la vessie – Traitements. https://www.cancer.be/les-cancers/types-de-cancers/cancer-de-la-vessie/traitements, accessed on 01/2023.
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19. National Cancer Institute – Immune checkpoint Inhibitors. https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/treatment/types/immunotherapy/checkpoint-inhibitors, accessed on 02/2023.
20. Cancer research UK – Checkpoint Inhibitors. www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/cancer-in-general/treatment/immunotherapy/types/checkpoint-inhibitors, accessed on 02/2023.
21. ESMO: Patient Guide on Immunotherapy-Related Side Effects and Their Management – https://www.esmo.org/for-patients/patient-guides/immunotherapy-side-effects, accessed on 02/2023.