The older cancer patient: translating recommendations into clinical practice

December 1, 2021 time to read 2 min read
Old Cancer Patient

MSD Belgium is delighted to invite you to our virtual symposium on the older patient with cancer that will take place on Wednesday 19th of January 2022, from 18h30-20h00. The live and interactive symposium is moderated by Prof. Dr. H. Wildiers and brought to you by a panel of Belgian experts in the field of oncogeriatry with the aim to support your daily management of the older cancer patient.

The older cancer patient: translating recommendations into clinical practice

To register for the symposium please click here:

Virtual symposium

Icon Wednesday 19th of January 2022

Icon 18h30-20h00

Accreditation requested

Icon Moderator: Prof. Dr. H. Wildiers (UZ Leuven)

Presenters: Prof. Dr. L. Decoster (UZ Brussel),

Dr. E. Naert (UZ Gent),

Prof. Dr. L. Dal Lago (Institut Jules Bordet),

Dr. V. Verschaeve (Grand Hôpital de Charleroi)

This virtual symposium is a non-promotional event organized by MSD Belgium in our commitment to contribute to continuous medical education. Attendance of the event is free of charge.

18h30-19h00Geriatric assessment: from theory and clinical trials into daily practice
18h30-18h50Not all older patients are the same, how can our understanding be improved? (Prof. Dr. L. Dal Lago)
18h50-19h00How to implement geriatric assessment into the daily practice: an ongoing challenge. (Dr. E. Naert)
19h00-20h00Cancer type specific guidelines: what do they mean for my patient?
19h00-19h20Early breast cancer (Prof. Dr. H. Wildiers)
19h20-19h40Immunotherapy in lung cancer (Prof. Dr. L. Decoster)
19h40-20h00Hormone therapies in prostate cancer (Dr. V. Verschaeve)

Each topic will be followed by a Q&A session to allow for an interactive discussion with the participants

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